174 George St
New Glasgow NS B2H 2K9
Phone: (902) 752-2343
Quadrus, Quadrus and design, Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. and design, and Quadrus Group of Funds are trademarks of Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. used with permission.
Investment Representative
Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. offers you a range of planning tools and support to help meet your investment needs.
Through my mutual fund dealer, Quadrus Investment Services Ltd., I have access to thousands of mutual funds.
Make your investment decisions wisely. Important information about mutual funds is found in the funds' simplified prospectus. You can obtain a copy of this from your investment representative. Please read this carefully before investing. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Unit values and investment returns will fluctuate.
Insurance products, including segregated fund policies are offered through A.G. Leck Financial Services Ltd. and Alan Leck offers mutual funds through Quadrus Investment Services Ltd.
174 George St
New Glasgow NS B2H 2K9
Phone: (902) 752-2343
Fax: (902) 755-5812
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